
GameingHub is a platform where gamers being their gameing career, here you meet other fellow gamers, game along and earn money.

Build Community
Create Tournaments
Go Live
Meet other gamers
Start your gameing career

Play Like It's Meant to!

We believe in the power of gaming. We believe that gaming is a great way to meet new people, have fun with friends, and build your career. That's why we're here: Play Like It's Meant to! We're a platform that connects gamers with other gamers, so you can play games together, find new players in tournaments, and get paid for doing what you love.

  • Post games you play with intersting content and get rewarded
  • Live Stream from Mobile / PC and get rewarded for each view no minimim subscribers or watchhours bullshit.
  • Find new players to play with and rank up in games you like. So from now on you don't need to go in queue solo.
  • Create your own tournaments, participate in tournaments and win exciting prizes.

The best way to find players of your level is to play games you enjoy, and then compare your scores to other players on your level. If you're worried that you won't be able to keep up with someone who's better than you, don't be! It's not about the score; it's about the way you play. Look for people who are playing at the same pace as you are and who are also having fun, especially if they're more experienced than you.

  • It's never been easy to find players who play games you like and connect with them.
  • Send super like to users to directly send them friend request and connect faster.
  • You can increase your social circle as you have option to find players living near you.

Tournament Mode is for all the competitive gamers out there who want to show off their skills and win exciting Cash Prizes. Whether you're a budding professional gamer or just someone who enjoys a good challenge, Tournament Mode will make your gaming experience more rewarding with its fun and exciting gameplay. You'll be able to play against other players from around the world, take part in tournaments with cash prizes on offer, and improve your skills as you play more games.

  • Compete with people around the world and show off your skills and win exciting cash prizes.
  • Create tournament and win commission on successful tournament campaign.
  • Recieve a certificate from us on winning a tournament which can be used to show Co-Curricular Activities.

If you're looking for a way to make money while you game, go live. Go live, and show the world your skills. Earn money on each person viewing your stream! You can use this platform to stream yourself playing games on your PC or your Mobile. With this platform, you can also earn rewards just by people watching your streams. The more people who watch, the more money you'll earn!

  • We provide you an option to directly stream from your mobile without use of any additional software required.
  • For users who like to play games on PC we have you covered you can use our custom links and directly stream on the app.
  • Don't stram for just fun earn money on each viewer who watches your stream.

Special Features

GameingHub is the world's most popular game streaming platform. We are dedicated to helping gamers all over the world connect, share and play together. We offer more than just a place to play games—we offer an entire community where you can meet new friends, find your tribe and become a part of something bigger than yourself. We have been providing our users with the best gaming experience since 2022. Our goal is to help our users build their gaming communities and make them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. We believe that gaming should be fun and accessible to everyone, no matter what their background or skill level might be. And we want you to be able to enjoy it with us! With GameingHub, you can start your own tournament right away or participate in one already running by another user in your area. You can also view other tournaments being hosted around the globe at any given time so that you can get ready for the next big competition coming up soon! If you want some help getting started, head over to download section where you can find out more about how this works from other players who have already tried it out themselves!

  • Build Community

    Creat groups with people who play games like you and help each other master the game.

  • Tournament Mode

    Create/Join Tournament and compete with players around the world and earn exciting cash prizes.

  • Live Stream

    Go live and show off your gaming skills to the world and earn money.

  • Meet other Gamers

    Get Social and meet new Gamers online and get playing along.

  • Fast servers

    We have got world class servers which will record your gameplay and after completion help you upload stream for others to watch.

  • Start Your Gaming Career

    Join us and start building your gaming career with us.

Beta Program

Signup for our beat program and we will send you a build once it's ready. We promise not to spam you!

I agree to my email address being stored and will be used to recieve beta version , live version and newsletter.

Active Users


Total Tournaments conducted


Live Stream completed


People Met Online


Gameing Coins Earned


We all have those days where we feel like we're wasting time playing games, and not doing anything productive. But you can stop feeling guilty about it. Because if you join us now, start earning as you game.
